Uganda to Offer Women Pepper Spray!

06 17 2011

Women will be given personal safety sprays ( commonly called pepper spray) to fend off attackers and rapist. Sexual crimes and assaults are a major problem in Uganda. In 2010, 709 rape cases and 7,564 defilement cases were reported, however, most victims never inform the police. Ronald Kibuule stated “it’s my role as state minister for youth and children to ensure that the people under my ministry are safe. I will do whatever it takes to protect them.”

Just like you would carry a spare tire for that unexpected situation, personal safety sprays are the ideal tool for that unforeseen personal safety emergency! Kibuule explained “that if women move with pepper spray in their handbags, they can easily use to repel an attacker.” For more information on this story

Security Equipment Corporation manufacturer of SABRE personal safety sprays commends Mr Kibuule for his proactive thinking. CLICK HERE to purchase your own personal safety spray or to find simple solutions you can adopt to protect you and your family!