Outdoor Safety
Exploring the great outdoors is a fantastic way to exercise, get in touch with nature, and relax. Whether you’re a runner, trail walker, biker, hard-core hiker, or exploring the world with a furry friend, there’s nothing quite like experiencing nature.
While the outdoors can provide many options for great recreational activities, looming threats to your personal safety still exist. Going running, hiking, camping, or even for a bike ride while unprotected could lead to serious, life-threatening dangers. Even a seemingly friendly Fido can be unpredictable. It’s vital that anyone who plans to be in the outdoors, have the appropriate outdoor safety gear.
At SABRE, we not only provide best-in-class outdoor safety solutions to help maximize your safety. We also strive to educate and empower so that, in the face of danger, SABRE users are equipped with not only powerful and innovative products but the knowledge and confidence to use them.
Check out our Outdoor Safety Blog for all of our latest safety tips!
Outdoor Safety Blog