Outdoor Safety

Outdoor Safety

Exploring the great outdoors is a fantastic way to exercise, get in touch with nature, and relax. Whether you’re a runner, trail walker, biker, hard-core hiker, or exploring the world with a furry friend, there’s nothing quite like experiencing nature.

While the outdoors can provide many options for great recreational activities, looming threats to your personal safety still exist. Going running, hiking, camping, or even for a bike ride while unprotected could lead to serious, life-threatening dangers. Even a seemingly friendly Fido can be unpredictable. It’s vital that anyone who plans to be in the outdoors, have the appropriate outdoor safety gear.

Be Safe On Your Outdoor Adventures

SABRE helps Make It Safe®, giving you the freedom to roam – and enjoy the outdoors more often – with empowering personal safety products that you can trust specifically geared for outside activities.

From runner pepper sprays and gels to personal alarms, to bear sprays and dog sprays, SABRE equips you with the tools you need to explore confidently and help keep you safe.

Outdoor Exercise Safety

Whether it be a run, walk, or bike ride, outdoor exercise is one of the best ways to stay fit, healthy, and strong – all while enjoying nature.

No matter where you live, whether it's a crowded city or suburban town, you should always be prepared with proper safety equipment designed to help protect you against danger.

For runners, exercise arm bands that can conceal pepper spray or a stun gun are a great choice. Trail walkers and joggers would benefit from personal alarms that, if in distress, can easily attract attention and help deter danger.

Bear Safety Gear

It's important to be prepared to protect yourself from bears when out in bear country. Bears are at the top of the food chain in North America, can run up to 40 mph, and can cover 50 feet in 1 second. So, you certainly want as much distance between yourself and a charging bear as possible. The first step is having reliable equipment that can help make each adventure safe.

Frontiersman® Bear Spray is a vital part of any bear deterrent plan. The Frontiersman® line of accessories, including bear safes, bells, and horns will help protect explorers and their gear from bears.

Bear & Big Cat Spray

When preparing for your next adventure where bears can be present, you’ll want to pack a bear spray you know you can rely on. With an industry-exclusive High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Laboratory (HPLC), Frontiersman® MAX Bear Deterrent products provide the strongest formula permitted by the EPA while offering maximum range and fastest deployment.

Bear Storage Containers, Bells, & Accessories

Frontiersman® Bear Spray holsters help ensure your spray is ready when needed most. Choose from a chest holster or belt holster, with other options that include a belt loop to secure to the explorer.

It’s vital to equip yourself with a bear safety kit that includes SABRE storage containers. Bears have an acute sense of smell and even the smallest amount of food can attract one. Storing food properly can help prevent drawing bears into your campsite.

Noise-making devices such as bear bells and horns can also help decrease the likelihood of an attack by making them aware of human presence and preventing a surprise encounter.

Dog Safety Gear

Dogs are humans' best friends. While your dog might not be aggressive, other dogs might be. In order to protect you and your dog from a potentially dangerous attack, it’s crucial to carry a dog spray that can be used to deter an aggressive canine.

Protector® Dog Spray was designed with you and your pet in mind. Using dog spray on a canine attacker has the same effects as a pepper spray product would on a human attacker. Permitted by the EPA, the effects are temporary and humane, but last long enough to help you and your pet get to safety.

At SABRE, we not only provide best-in-class outdoor safety solutions to help maximize your safety. We also strive to educate and empower so that, in the face of danger, SABRE users are equipped with not only powerful and innovative products but the knowledge and confidence to use them.

Check out our Outdoor Safety Blog for all of our latest safety tips!

Outdoor Safety Blog