Self-Defense For College Students

When considering college, 72% of students indicated the safety of the campus was an important part of their decision. For parents, 75% said the most important factor was a safe environment.
And per data from the National Center for Education Statistics, residential burglaries represent the largest percentage of Campus Crime, while RAINN reports 13% of all students experience rape or sexual assault on campus.
Please review your campus’ personal safety device guidelines before selecting a product. Note that while pepper spray is legal throughout the US for users over the age of 18, some college campuses and regions restrict the use of pepper spray and gel.
Make It Safe®, Go Confidently
At SABRE, we provide best-in-class personal safety solutions to help maximize your safety on campus. We also strive to educate and empower so that, in the face of danger, SABRE users are equipped with not only powerful and innovative products but the knowledge and confidence to use them.
Check out our Campus Personal Safety Blog for our latest safety tips!
Campus Safety Blog