Best Bear Spray with Holster


When an 800-pound bear or 220-pound mountain lion is charging at 40 miles per hour, every moment counts. Explore confidently on your next adventure, whether it’s a short hike or long camping trip, knowing that you’re prepared to protect yourself. This Frontiersman MAX Bear & Mountain Lion Spray releases a large, powerful cloud of maximum-strength bear spray so you can escape to safety if faced with an aggressive bear.

  • Greatest Distance: This canister has a 40-foot-range—up to 20 feet farther than other brands—to help keep a safe distance between you and a charging bear.
  • Largest Protective Barrier: Rapidly releases 1.32 oz per 1-second burst creating the heaviest cloud to maximize your safety.
  • Easy to Carry: An included belt holster with no Velcro straps allows for quick and silent access to your spray in an emergency.
  • Safe for You, the Bears, and the Environment: This spray causes no permanent injuries to the bear, is non-flammable, and the formula is EPA approved and does not contain any ozone-depleting chemicals.
  • Field Tested and Approved: The Elmendorf Air Force Base (Elmendorf, AK) and Brown Bear Resources (Missoula, MT), tested Frontiersman on charging bears and found it is effective at deterring bears.