5 Winter Safety Tips for Students and Parents

11 27 2018

As tempting as hiring a bodybuilder can be, there are lots of less intrusive ways to help your kids stay safe when they head back to their college dormitory.

By providing your student with advice (and a few safety stocking stuffers) like the below, you can rest assured that your child is safe and prepared in the dorm room and across the college campus this winter.

Here are 5 safety tips to keep your kids safe this winter as they head back to college. No hired muscle needed.

1. Keep Dorm Rooms Locked and Secured

Dorm rooms are a home away from home. They should be kept locked and secured to protect students and their belongings. Students will spend a lot of time in their dorm’s common areas or their friends’ rooms. Even if they’ll only be gone for a moment, they should always keep their dorm room door locked. This ensures no one else will enter their room without them knowing.

2. Install an Alarm to Dorm Door and Windows

In addition, Inexpensive and easy to install door and windows alarms can be attached to dorm room door frames or right onto a window to provide extra security and alert you if someone has entered your room. Another easy to use option like a door stop alarm can alert you to an intruder with the added benefit of preventing the door from opening when in use.

Recently tested by the “TODAY Show,” on its special about campus safety, SABRE Dorm/Apartment Alarm Kit, includes the Door Stop Alarm, Door/Window Alarm and Mini Personal Alarm.

3. Follow the Light

Late nights writing papers at the library or studying with classmates can be a regular occurrence for students. The cover of darkness makes those who wish you harm feel more comfortable committing crimes. Light deters crime by signaling to criminals that there’s a chance of a security camera, police officer or another bystander catching them in the act. When heading back to dorms, park and walk under streetlights and follow campus paths whenever possible. Shortcuts aren’t worth being in the dark and out of sight.

4. Use the Buddy System

It might sound like an old school suggestion, but it’s tried and true. A friend or study buddy is a built-in witness and reduces the odds a predator will see students as a vulnerable target. That’s even more important when students head out to parties. “The person at greatest risk to become a victim is someone who is alone late at night and also under the influence of drugs or alcohol,” explains Karen J. Terry, PhD and criminal justice professor.

Pro tip: The buddy system advice even expands beyond human relationships. For instance, are you just going out to grab dinner on the quad? Or for a run? Bring your dog or a personal safety tool (such as pepper spray or personal alarm) along.

5. Carry a Personal Safety Device

Having a personal safety device like a personal alarm or pepper spray can make all the difference if you are being threatened. Many devices are small enough to carry in a pocket or on a keychain for easy access in an emergency. There are many options but find one that’s easily accessible and that you learn how to properly use it.

You can’t keep them home forever, but you can keep them aware and prepared. Explore more dorm room and college campus safety products to keep your kids safe here.