Commuter Safety Tips

Heavy traffic that slows to a crawl or stops for no apparent reason. Impolite, bad or crazy drivers. High maintenance and fuel costs for your vehicle. Commuting can be enough of a nightmare without having to worry about assaults, carjacking and other crimes.

Yet nearly 65% of women do not carry a personal safety tool while traveling to and from work. SABRE is here to help with some simple commuter tips that can make your life less stressful. Whether you live in a city or town or out in the country, keep them in mind during your commute home or to work. Our commuter safety tips and commuter safety facts can help ensure you get there and back safely and happily:

  • Carry keys in your hand as well as a personal safety product. Keys in hand make for less time standing outside looking for them. That will make you less vulnerable to bad guys.
  • Don't let your guard down and stay alert. Don't walk with your head down, wear headphones or be absorbed in your cellphone. Don't carry valuables in plain sight.
  • Trust your gut - if you feel someone is tailing you, alert someone or contact authorities immediately. If possible, cross the street and walk into a public place that's well-lit, such as a gas station or store.
  • Practice driving safety. Don't text and drive. Always wear your seatbelt.
  • Carry an emergency car kit and keep pepper sprayor gel accessible when in the car. The quick-release key ring means your keys can be in the ignition but you'll be able to access pepper spray fast.
  • If you have a stranger who aggressively volunteers help, is insistent and doesn't take your first rebuff - this is a red flag! Someone with good intentions will back off.
  • If you're taking public transit, sit near the front near the driver/operator. You'll be seen and heard more quickly than if you're in the back of the bus.
  • Avoid waiting outside at bus stops or train stations when there aren't a lot of passersby. Most transit departments have apps now that tell you when a bus or train is approaching so you can plan ahead and wait in a building nearby until your ride is almost there.
  • Be sure to lock your doors when you get home.

We hope these safety tips for commuter transportation have helped. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us here at SABRE.

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