How to Use Bear Spray

How to Use Bear Spray: A Step-By-Step-Guide
Step 1: Put your index finger through the hole of the handle.
Because Frontiersman Bear Spray is much stronger than traditional pepper, there is a safety mechanism to help prevent accidental discharge.

Step 2: Use your thumb to remove the safety tab by pulling it straight backwards.

Step 3: Point the bear spray between a 45 to 60 degree angle (lower arms about 6-10 inches to spray in a downward angle towards the bear).
Pro Tip #1: Avoid extending arms outward at 90 degrees from your body. This helps prevent spraying over the head of the bear.

Step 4: Use your thumb to press down on the actuator to deploy the spray.

Step 5: Press the trigger for 3 seconds in order to create a barrier of spray between you and the bear.
Pro Tip #2: Stop to evaluate the impact of wind and other factors and adjust your aim if needed before spraying again.

Step 6: To disarm, replace safety clip by firmly pushing with thumb until an audible “snap” is heard.

Step 7: Check to see if the safety clip is securely in place. No gap should be visible between the actuator handle and the safety clip.

Tip #1: Buy and Practice With Practice Bear Spray
We recommend purchasing a Frontiersman Practice Spray before hitting the trails. It uses the same mechanics to fire the spray and goes the same distance – the only difference is that it is made with an inert water formula instead of a pepper irritant, making it safe training tool. Using the practice spray increases your muscle memory and confidence to help prepare you to use the real Frontiersman Bear Spray when seconds count.
Tip #2:
Stop to evaluate the impact of wind and other factors and adjust your aim if needed before spraying again.
Frontiersman Bear Sprays have a range of 30-35 feet (depending on canister size).
This product may be used to deter bears that are attacking or appear likely to attack humans. This product may not be effective in all situations or prevent all injuries.