DECON Cleanse & Soothe, Decontaminates & Prevents Reactivation, 4.0 oz. Each of Cleanse & Soothe Formulas


Contact for Pricing at 800-325-9568

The SABRE Decon Cleanse & Soothe effectively uses two unique solutions to combat the effects of chemical agents, prevent reactivation (exercising/hot showers) and stop further spreading of chemical agents to limit contaminated areas. The 4.0 oz. compact size is ideal for usage on officers and subjects after deploying chemical agents to control subjects /inmates (Cruisers, In-Take Areas, Arsenal Room, EMS etc.). The SD-40 contains 4.0 oz. of each Cleanse & Soothe formulas.


Advantages and Benefits


  • Reduces Decontamination Time
  • Limits reactivation/OC hangover
  • Comes with 4 oz. each of Cleanse Formula and Soothe Formula
  • Decons approximately 6 people
  • Great for field training
  • 2-year shelf life
  • Backed by Eye & Skin Testing
  • Non-flammable/EID compatible
  • ISO 9001-2015 Certified
  • EPA & Health Canada Establishment
Item Weight (lbs) 4
Formula Decon
Liquid Volume (oz) 4