SABRE Red 1.33% MC 3.6 oz PHANTOM Evaporating Fog Delivery Aerosol Grenade (MK-5)


Contact for Pricing at 800-325-9568

Product Overview

The SABRE Red 1.33% MC, 3.6 oz., MK-5 PHANTOM Evaporating Fog Delivery Aerosol Grenade empties in fourteen (14) seconds filling an area of 22,000 cubic feet in 60 seconds. PHANTOM’s evaporating fog delivery is more debilitating (inhalation effect) and simpler to clean-up (fresh air) than traditional fog delivery systems, making PHANTOM the ideal extraction tool.  


  • Guaranteed SABRE Maximum Strength Formula in Every Canister: According to an independent study conducted by the University of Utah, variability rates in the concentration of active ingredients in pepper sprays have a 30% failure rate. With an industry exclusive HPLC laboratory, only SABRE guarantees its maximum strength formulation in every canister.
  • 5-year shelf life
  • Backed by eye, skin, and inhalation testing
  • Target acquisition confirmation
  • UV marking dye
  • Non-flammable/EID compatible
  • High temperature exposure test
  • Low temperature exposure test
  • Test fired before leaving factory
  • PSI accuracy test before leaving factory
  • Leakage prevention test before leaving factory
  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified
  • EPA & Health Canada Establishment