Pepper Spray State Laws

While pepper sprays and pepper gels are legal in all 50 states to carry and use for personal protection, some states and local areas have specific regulations pertaining to the size, formulation, and possession of pepper sprays and gels.


Please Note: It is your responsibility to know the laws in your state, county, and city and to fully comply with them. Below are examples of some state and local restrictions. This list shows products that are prohibited in the locations indicated. When criteria must be met for ownership, those are also listed.  By purchasing SABRE products, you agree not to hold Security Equipment Corporation responsible for purchasing a SABRE product that is restricted in certain areas, including where you live.

Alaska Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restriction: Must be 21+ to carry on school property

Sales Restrictions: Cannot be sold online

Arkansas Pepper Spray Laws

Size Restriction: Size cannot exceed 5.29 oz

California Pepper Spray Laws

Size Restriction: Cannot weigh more than 2.5 oz

Additional Restrictions: Cannot be purchased, possessed, or used by: minors, felons, or addicts

Delaware Pepper Spray Laws

Sales Restrictions: Cannot be sold, given, or transferred to minors without the permission of legal guardian

Hawaii Pepper Spray Laws

Sales Restrictions: Cannot be sold online

Size Restrictions: Cannot contain more than 0.5 oz

Illinois Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restriction: Must be 18+ to carry

Florida Pepper Spray Laws

Size Restriction: Size cannot exceed 2 oz of chemical

Maryland Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restriction: Cannot be sold to minors

Additional Restrictions: May not be carried on public school property

Massachusetts Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restriction: Cannot be sold to minors, Ages 15-18 must obtain a firearms ID card to purchase

Sales Restrictions: Pepper Spray and/or pepper gel must be purchased at a local licensed firearms dealer

                                   Internet purchases of pepper spray and/or pepper gel are not permitted

Michigan Pepper Spray Laws

Formula Restrictions: SABRE RED is only permitted , SABRE 3-in-1 formula is not currently legal

Minnesota Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restriction: Cannot be possessed by anyone under the age of 16 without written permission of legal guardian

New Jersey Pepper Spray Laws

Size Restriction: Size cannot exceed 0.75 oz

Additional Restrictions: Cannot be possessed by a minor or felon

New York Pepper Spray Laws

Sales Restrictions: Cannot be sold online

                                   There is a maximum of two sprays and/or gels per customer

                                   Products must be sold by a licensed pharmacy or licensed firearm retailer


 Size Restrictions: Must contain a safety device

                                 Pepper sprays and/or pepper gels must be pocket-sized

                                 Cannot to exceed 0.75 oz, with no more than 0.7% of total weight as capsaicinoids


Age Restrictions: Cannot be sold to minors 

Additional Restrictions: Products cannot be camouflaged

Nevada Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restrictions: Cannot be sold to minors

Size Restrictions: Size cannot exceed more than 2 oz

Formula Restriction: SABRE 3-in-1 formula canisters over 2 oz are not currently legal

North Carolina Pepper Spray Laws

Size Restriction: Unit size cannot exceed 5.29 oz

Additional Restrictions:  Cannot be possessed by felon

South Carolina Pepper Spray Laws

Size Restrictions: Cannot exceed 1.76 oz

Rhode Island Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restriction: Must be 18+ to carry

Wisconsin Pepper Spray Laws

Age Restrictions: Cannot be sold to minors

Additional Restrictions: Cannot be possessed by felon

Formula Restriction: SABRE 3-in-1 formula is not currently legal

Where to Find Us

SABRE products are sold in many retailers, ranging from big-box and convenience stores to neighborhood drug stores and mom-and-pop shops. We appreciate all of our retail partners who support us in our mission to help keep people safe.

To buy pepper spray or gel in New York, Hawaii, and Massachusetts, see the SABRE retailers we work with below:
New York

In addition to regional and national mass merchant chains, SABRE products are sold at independent retailers worldwide. Learn more.


The possession and/or sale of SABRE defense sprays, SABRE Red defense sprays, FRONTIERSMAN and SABRE Wild Bear Attack Deterrents, Protector Dog Attack Deterrents, SABRE pepper projectile launchers and SABRE stun guns are legal in most cities and/or states in the United States. However, some cities and/or states have chosen to establish certain restrictions surrounding the possession and/or sale of these products. To the best of SABRE’s knowledge, listed are the most current legal restrictions for cities and/or states.

Check your local laws to determine the legality of carrying SABRE, SABRE Red, FRONTIERSMAN, SABRE Wild, and Protector products in your area. consumers are responsible for understanding the local and state laws concerning the purchase and use of Security Equipment Corporation's products. The consumer agrees that Security Equipment Corporation's products are not intended for illegal use. Security Equipment Corporation is not responsible for misrepresentation by the consumer nor the illegal use of our products.