Products We Recommend

Products We Recommend

Our Most Popular Products in One Convenient Location

We've picked our favorite and most popular models and listed them here - easy for you to find and purchase! There are options to help you feel safe as you commute to and from work, but you'll also find a few portable home alarm options that can help you feel more secure as you unwind after a long work day.


Pepper spray is legal to use in all 50 states, but if you live in one of the five where SABRE can't ship, please visit our retail partners page to learn which stores in your area carry SABRE.


Have a question about your new personal safety or home security tool? We've compiled a list of our most common FAQs to help you navigate your life with safety in mind.

Make It Safe®, Go Confidently

At SABRE, we not only provide best-in-class personal safety solutions to help maximize your safety. We also strive to educate and empower so that, in the face of danger, SABRE users are equipped with not only powerful and innovative products but the knowledge and confidence to use them.

Check out our Personal Safety Blog for all of our latest safety tips!

Personal Safety Blog