What You Need to Know About Title IX and the Campus SaVE Act

08 27 2015

Today’s blog post comes from Jennifer Cassetta, a self-defense and female empowerment expert who is a recent addition to the Campuspeak lineup. Here, Jennifer uses her special training to outline all you need to know about Title IX and the Campus SaVE Act.

With sexual assault on college campus being a topic that you now hear about on a regular basis through the media, chances are you’ve heard the terms Title IX and perhaps the Campus SaVE Act.

Whether you are a concerned student, leader, event coordinator, teacher, coach, school administrator or parent, here’s what you need to know about Title IX and the Campus SaVE Act.

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that receives federal funding.

What is a Title IX complaint?

A Title IX complaint is a document that details the ways in which you believe your college has violated Title IX. This complaint can involve a single case or multiple cases. Each complainant in a Title IX complaint is a student, staff or faculty member who has experienced sexual harassment, sexual battery, sexual assault, or rape, or has faced retaliation for speaking out about sexual assault issues.

What is the Campus SaVE Act?

The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act increases transparency on campus about incidents of sexual violence, guarantees victims enhanced rights, sets standards for disciplinary proceedings.

It requires that colleges must provide “primary prevention and awareness programs” for new students and employees, as well as ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns. These educational programs must include certain subjects:

  • A statement by the school that it prohibits acts of sexual violence
  • The definition of various acts of sexual violence including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking
  • Education on bystander intervention
  • Risk reduction programs so students recognize and can avoid abusive behaviors or potential attacks
  • Information on the school’s reporting system and disciplinary proceedings
  • Definition of consent for sexual activity in their jurisdiction (and if you’re still not clear on consent watch this video)
  • Bystander intervention

This is a lot of information, but imperative for students and faculty to know.

If you are interested in bringing a speaker to your school to speak on these topics and deliver a risk reduction program, Jennifer Cassetta does just that.

She is now represented by Campuspeak, and travels around the country speaking to students on the importance of safety, awareness, boundaries, powerful communication and self-defense while addressing all of the requirements of the Campus Save Act.