Why Buy SABRE?

SABRE is the #1 Brand of Pepper Spray Worldwide.

SABRE - Security Equipment Corporation is the world's #1, largest manufacturer of pepper sprays trusted by law enforcement and civilians alike.

We've spent 40 years establishing ourselves as a leader in safety and security. Our diverse product line includes:

There are alot of things that set us apart from the competition, but here are a few of our favorites:

Our exclusive HPLC guarantee

We are the only pepper spray manufacturer to have an on-site testing facility - this eliminates the 30% failures you experience with other brands

Maximum strength products

Double the strength of the average pepper spray - that's really hot (67 times hotter than hot sauce)

#1 brand trusted by police worldwide

Agencies on six continents and over 40 countries choose to carry SABRE.

Free instructional videos

The free video you receive with your purchase helps you better use your pepper spray or other personal safety product.


We make ourselves available to the public as a safety resource, because our customers' safety is of the utmost importance to us. So you can rest assured that when you make a purchase with SABRE, you will not only receive direction on how to use your new product effectively, but also on how to life the safest life possible. One of the most frequently asked questions we get deals with the effects of pepper spray - learn more about the products you're carrying.


  • Protection at a safe distance - why go hands on?
  • Very practical - protection against multiple threats
  • Legal to carry in all 50 states
  • Doesn't require size or strength to use
  • Proven effective - police worldwide carry SABRE