Which is More Effective - Bear Spray or Pepper Spray?
Bear spray should only be deployed against bears because bear sprays can contain up to 2.0% Major Capsaicinoids, making it much more potent and effective. Studies (Outside Online) have also found that because of its fog delivery system, bear spray requires less aim, covers more ground, and can be immediately accessible with numerous carrying holsters options. The success rates of using bear spray range from 90-98%, while the number of humans injured when firearms are used in bear confrontations is 50%.
Pepper sprays can be incredibly effective against warding off human attackers. They’re an easy and quick form of self-defense (learn how to use pepper sprays in this video). When correctly used, pepper spray causes temporary blindness and can also cause intense irritation to the eyes, nose, and mouth – giving you the opportunity to escape to safety. However, if you tried to use a human pepper spray against a bear, it would likely not be effective. Instead, you would likely have to get within 12 feet of the bear which would put you at an increased risk of danger. Always take bear spray with you when in bear country and leave pepper spray for protecting yourself against humans.